electric towel rails

Affordable Bathroom Luxuries: Australian heated towel rails

person running a bath in a luxury bathroom

When it comes to bathroom luxuries, there are some things that most of us can’t afford, such as a gold toilet, television mirror or clamshell jacuzzi (they’re real items, we didn’t make them up!). However, thankfully, there are some luxuries we can stretch the budget for, such as a heated towel rail.

These days many people are adding heated towel rails to their bathrooms and ensuites because of the luxury they provide. A luxury that doesn’t come with an expensive set-up price and doesn’t cost the earth to run.

Why are heated towel rails luxurious?

Heated towel rails are luxurious for two main reasons.

Firstly, and most importantly, they dry towels. This is particularly useful during cooler weather in cold and temperate climates, and in humid environments.

In cooler conditions, some bathrooms simply don’t warm up enough for towels to dry in-between showers or baths. This can result in you using a damp, cold towel to dry yourself, which isn’t comfortable at all.

Humid environments also make drying towels very difficult. This is simply because there’s too much water in the air for the water in towels to evaporate. Again, if you don’t have a heated towel rail, this will result in you needing to use a damp towel to dry yourself.

The other issue with towels that don’t dry in-between use, or towels that take a long time to dry, is bacteria. Wet towels and bath mats provide perfect conditions for bacteria to run rampant.

The other reason heated towel rails are luxurious is that they warm towels. And there’s nothing better than wrapping yourself in a dry, warm towel after your bath or shower. Sure beats a cold, damp towel any day!

Just how affordable are heated towel rails?

When we are talking about affordability, there are two main aspects to consider. Set-up costs and running costs.

First there is the set-up costs, or in this case the cost to purchase and install your heated towel rail. The cost of purchasing a heated towel rail can vary significantly between models. While you can purchase one from just over $100, the size and quality makes this an unpractical option. Likewise, you can spend well over $2000, but this is excessive and most people will spend somewhere in the middle.

For installation, if you purchase a heated towel rail with an electric plug, you can likely attach the unit to the wall yourself and it won’t cost a cent. However, for the minimalist look most people are looking for, hardwiring is the best choice. It’s a relatively simple job, however, an electrician will be required. It will likely cost you somewhere in the vicinity of a couple of hundred dollars.

So, in summary, for around $1000 you can have a very good heated towel rail that will dry and warm your towels.

Of course, set-up costs are one thing but you need to consider running costs, particularly with the cost-of-living pressures many of us now face. The good news is that heated towel rails don’t cost a lot to run if you use them wisely.

By wisely, we mean with a timer installed. A 200-watt rail, which is around average, will cost you about $1.70 a day to run if you have it on all day. But running a good quality heated towel rail all day isn’t usually necessary. In fact, generally you only need to run your unit for around 3 or 4 hours, costing 21 to 30 cents a day.

That’s a luxury most of us can afford!

White gordon wall mounted on tiles next to bathroom mirror

Gordon’s good looking too

If you’re after a quality heated towel rail that provides a luxury you can afford, look no further than Eskimo’s Gordon.

Gordon is affordable to purchase, install and run. In fact, it is one of the most efficient heated towel rails on the market. This is due to Gordon’s design, including its vertical fins, and materials. Using a Gordon, towels and bath mats will be dry in a third of the time compared with standard horizontal heated towel rails.

The other key advantage of the Gordon is its looks. While it’s certainly more efficient than most other heated towel rails, it also looks a whole lot more stylish.

The style is what enticed homeowner Chantel from Somerville in Victoria to recently purchase a Gordon. She installed a white model (it comes in four colours) for her ensuite renovation. She chose the single Gordon, which holds an impressive four large towels or bath mats. There’s also a double Gordon that can hold eight!

Chantel says she would give Gordon a rating of 5 out of 5 because of its efficiency and style.

“It warms multiple towels quickly and efficiently,” says Chantel. “We set ours up with a smart switch so we can set timers.

“I love the look of the Gordon as a towel warmer. It’s super stylish and functional.”

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Three wall mounted heated towel rails